40th Anniversary of Community School

Next year is the 40th Anniversary of Community School! Alumni please subscribe to our blog!

Friday, December 10, 2010

In preparation for our 40th anniversary, we are gathering information from our alumni.  These are the questions that we sent out to the alumni. However, we got a lot of letters back, so we thought we should post our questions on the blog, too! If you didn't receive our letter, you can either email the answers to cs40th@gmail.com, or you can feel free send us a video. 
1.  What advantanges have you had being educated at Community School?
2.  What was your favorite Community School special occasion? ( Strawberry Festival, Arts Festival, etc.)
3.  What years did you attend Community School?
4.  What was your favorite class when you attendened Community School? Why?
5.  What is your occupation? Have you ever volunteered for service projects?
6.  What is your favorite memory from Community School? Why?
Thank you for your help!

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