40th Anniversary of Community School

Next year is the 40th Anniversary of Community School! Alumni please subscribe to our blog!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Response to Letters: Favorite Community School Memory

Favorite memories that were shared by C.S. alumni.

One former student writes:
Hawai'i state fish humuhumunukunukuapua'a
The end of the year plays and celebration. I think it really shows the Community School spirit of togetherness and working with one another.

Another one recalls:
My favorite memory of C.S. is a unit we did on Hawai'i in Michi's class. I had just gotten back from a trip to Hawai'i so I was able to share pictures and stories from my trip. We also learned some interesting ne words in that unit. For example, the state fish of Hawai'i is called the humuhumunukunukuapua'a.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Response for Letters, Part 1

1.  What advantages have you had being educated at Community School? 
      The advantages of being educated at Community School: small class sizes, getting to take college classes
while in Middle School and High School; intelligent, thoughtful and creative teachers; experiential learning;
opportunities for volunteering in the community.

2.  What was your favorite Community School special occasion? ( Strawberry Festival, Arts Festival, etc.)
     Strawberry Festival, for sure!, but also OM for two years.

3.  What years did you attend Community School?
     The years I attended Community School are 1994 - 2000.

4.  What was your favorite class when you attendened Community School? Why?    
     My favorite class was Language Arts, with Giinny Woodall - Gainey.  Ginny was a highly creative teacher who valued each student and his/her strengths.  She made learning fun and made everyone feel good about what they were doing.  I learned a great deal from her, not just about language, but how to treat people.

5.  What is your occupation? Have you ever volunteered for service projects?     
     My occupation is Children's Services for Roanoke County Parks and Recreation.    Yes, I have volunteered in a variety of ways in the community.

6.  What is your favorite memory from Community School? Why?    
     My favorite memory from CS is the friendships I developed. Why: CS is always full of intelligent and creative students with big hearts. The friendships I developed while in school are still with me today. CS encourages the opportunity to know people well and to maintain relationships.
    As an aside, a memory I'm taking to my grave is the Middle School girls trip with Linda Thornton at The Baths.

Enough said!!)

Answered by Paige.
In preparation for our 40th anniversary, we are gathering information from our alumni.  These are the questions that we sent out to the alumni. However, we got a lot of letters back, so we thought we should post our questions on the blog, too! If you didn't receive our letter, you can either email the answers to cs40th@gmail.com, or you can feel free send us a video. 
1.  What advantanges have you had being educated at Community School?
2.  What was your favorite Community School special occasion? ( Strawberry Festival, Arts Festival, etc.)
3.  What years did you attend Community School?
4.  What was your favorite class when you attendened Community School? Why?
5.  What is your occupation? Have you ever volunteered for service projects?
6.  What is your favorite memory from Community School? Why?
Thank you for your help!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Photographs and Memories

Hi!  We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  As we continue to prepare for our 40th anniversary next year, we have been sorting through more pictures and found another one that was interesting.  Does anyone remember when this picture was snapped?  We bet there's a great story to go with this picture!

Please leave a comment, or send us an email at cs40th@gmail.com to share your memories of this picture! 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Elena Shares Her Community School Memories

Here is a video-interview done by our Middle School students Kimberly and Moss, and edited by Cecilia.  They spoke to long-time Spanish teacher, and director of the Bolivian exchange, Elena Isler.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Guy with Three Hats on His Head

We were looking through Fall Festival pictures in preparation for the 40th anniversary when we found this funny picture.  If you know this guy or know the story behind this, please comment or contact us at cs40th@gmail.com

Friday, October 01, 2010

Picture From Fall Festival 1992

We found this picture from Fall Festival in 1992.  I wonder where they went on this trip?
If you were in this picture or know somebody who was in this picture please comment or contact us at cs40th@gmail.com